Modu­les for the Euro­pe­an Asy­lum Sup­port Office

20. 07. 2017 | News

Our com­pa­ny, in a con­sor­ti­um toge­ther with fur­ni­tu­re manu­factu­rer, Pro­fil náby­tek, suc­ce­e­ded in secu­ring a ten­der for EASO, an EU agen­cy with its headquar­ters in Mal­ta and dea­ling with issu­es rela­ting to refu­ge­es. The aim of the EU is to pla­ce modu­les on sea costs of coun­tries which are under the most stra­in due to migrant inflow, i.e. Gre­e­ce, Ita­ly, and Spa­in, whe­re migrants will be exa­mi­ned and scre­e­ned. Seve­ral types of modu­les that can be mutu­ally com­bi­ned and moved to the most expo­sed pla­ces have been pre­se­lec­ted. Our com­pa­ny was thus cho­sen, toge­ther with two other sup­pliers, to fill these orders over the next three years.
