Offices for Auto Mann Logistics Firm - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Offi­ces for Auto Mann Logis­tics Firm

05. 10. 2017 | News

With an eye to the pro­per­ties of modu­lar archi­tectu­re and the indispu­table advan­tages, Ger­man logis­tics com­pa­ny, Auto Mann, cho­se to pur­cha­se new com­pa­ny headquar­ters made from spa­ce modu­les. In con­trast to a stan­dard installati­on, this buil­ding has exter­nal ther­mal insu­lati­on from PUR panels, the win­dows, doors, and shop win­dows are from anthra­ci­te-sha­ded alu­mi­num, and the roof is gre­en. More­o­ver, the win­dows are equip­ped with elect­ric shut­ters. The con­trac­tor cho­se these non-stan­dard fea­tu­res main­ly due to the fact that they save ener­gy on hea­ting or coo­ling of the buil­ding and thus con­tri­bu­te to a com­for­table wor­king spa­ce. The buil­ding has eve­ry­thing a medi­um-sized com­pa­ny needs.
