Our CITY Modules on Inspiriting Ynspirology - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Our CITY Modu­les on Inspi­ri­ting Ynspirology

25. 06. 2017 | News

Our CITY Modu­les and the Ligh­thou­se were a part of the gre­at @Ynspirology Fes­ti­val 2017. KOMA Modu­lar is an inno­va­ti­ve and you­th­ful-min­ded com­pa­ny and it defi­ni­te­ly con­tri­bu­ted to the suc­cess of this event.

Eve­ry­thing is expres­sed in the orga­ni­zers‘ acknowledg­ment, One par­king pla­ce, two days, thir­ty inspi­ra­tors, six­ty acti­vi­ties and near­ly 6,000 visi­tors! This was the second vin­tage of Ynspi­ro­lo­gy Fes­ti­val! We hope all of you enjoyed this! For us, it was gre­at, main­ly thanks to you! Thank you very much! Alrea­dy now we are full of inspi­rati­on for the next year!“
