Zlín Design Week 2017 - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Zlín Design Week 2017

30. 04. 2017 | News

KOMA Modu­lar was also a gene­ral part­ner of Zlín Design Week in 2017 – this year mar­ked the thi­rd time the event has taken pla­ce. This unique pro­ject, which links UTB stu­dents and design com­pa­nies, expands year by year. KOMA has been a proud part­ner of this Zlín design-fest from the very begin­ning. This year, in con­trast to pre­vi­ous events, CITY Modu­les ser­ved as an exhi­bi­ti­on galle­ry and a design shop. The orga­ni­zers cre­a­ted an Infocentre”on nám. Míru“ from CITY Modu­les with a terra­ce and a neon sign invi­ting pas­ser­s­by to Zlín Design Week 2017. The­re were also plen­ty of com­ple­men­ta­ry pro­grams, workshops and refe­ren­ces during the week.
