City Modu­les Can Be Seen Aga­in in the First Half-Year 2018

07. 06. 2018 | News

In less than four years City Modu­les designs have won many fans and pro­ven the­ir via­bi­li­ty and abi­li­ty to fill a niche mar­ket that lacks a pro­duct for design, cul­tu­re, and social events and that can be cate­go­ri­zed as a pop-up. City Modu­les could be seen at events pro­mo­ting film fes­ti­vals, name­ly at AFO in Olo­mouc and at the Zlin Film Fes­ti­val. City Modu­les sto­od when Zlin Design Week began and they were pre­sent also in its 4th year. They hel­ped pro­mo­te the Pra­gue Spring Music Fes­ti­val and also showed pro­spects for revi­ta­li­zing towns at regu­lar events such as SDÍL­KO in Ost­ra­va Poru­ba. For the first time, they ser­ved at world famous IKEA to host HR events in Pra­gue, Brno and Bra­ti­sla­va. This year our calen­dar is near­ly full of events whe­re you can see our CITY MODU­LES, not only in the Czech Repub­lic but also in Slovakia.
