KOMA Built Modu­lar Coun­cil Hou­se upon the Sei­ne in Cen­t­re of Paris

18. 10. 2018 | News

Ano­ther nice illustrati­on how the modu­lar buil­dings may be hel­p­ful for peo­ple in need is a pro­ject by the inter­nati­o­nal huma­ni­ta­ri­an orga­ni­sati­on, Auro­re, which deci­ded to erect a modu­lar buil­ding for accom­mo­dati­on in the cen­t­re of Paris, direct­ly upon the Seine.

Více o bytových domech

Ano­ther nice illustrati­on how the modu­lar buil­dings may be hel­p­ful for peo­ple in need is a pro­ject by the inter­nati­o­nal huma­ni­ta­ri­an orga­ni­sati­on, Auro­re, which deci­ded to erect a modu­lar buil­ding for accom­mo­dati­on in the cen­t­re of Paris, direct­ly upon the Seine. 

Along with Moo­nar­chi­tectu­res archi­tect stu­dio, Auro­re cre­a­ted a pro­ject for a buil­ding to ser­ve the home­less. Its aim is not only to give them a roof over the­ir heads but also to help them to find a qua­li­ty life and to help them get back the­ir on the­ir feet.

KOMA MODU­LAR was for­tu­na­te to be invol­ved. After len­gthy nego­ti­ati­ons, a long-term con­tract was signed with the French Serie Flex deve­lo­per. The lar­ge-sca­le modu­les have suc­cess­fully pas­sed the com­pli­ca­ted cer­ti­fi­cati­on pro­cess for the French modu­lar buil­ding mar­ket, which is requi­red for per­ma­nent accommodations.

The modu­les were pro­du­ced in two mon­ths – after­wards they were assem­bled and, finally, they came toge­ther and cre­a­ted this affor­da­ble housing pro­ject. The who­le buil­ding was given a cus­tom facade. 

This pro­ject is, in a sen­se, revo­lu­ti­o­na­ry for us – for the first time we pro­vi­ded a four-flo­or structu­re; for the first time we are buil­ding a pla­yground on the buil­ding roof; and for the first time the who­le buil­ding incor­po­ra­tes lar­ge-sca­le, 11-meter-long modules.

This buil­ding con­sti­tu­tes the big­gest buil­ding deli­ve­red during KOMA’s enti­re his­to­ry. The com­ple­te buil­ding con­sists of 226 lar­ge-sca­le modu­les with the ground plan dimensi­ons of 11 m x 2.5 m – its total flo­or area amounts to 5,160 m². For the first time, the­re was coo­pe­rati­on with KOMA FAÇA­DE, the sis­ter com­pa­ny of KOMA MODU­LAR. KOMA FAÇA­DE deli­ve­red and assem­bled a com­bi­nati­on of four faca­de types: whi­te poly­car­bo­na­te DAN­PA­LON pla­tes, woo­den heat-tre­a­ted SIL­VERWO­OD flo­or­bo­ards, mul­ti-colou­red ver­ti­cally corru­ga­ted ste­el she­ets with ran­dom ena­mel­ling, and ran­dom corru­ga­ted CADEN­CE ste­el she­ets. KOMA MODU­LAR thus repre­sen­ted the Czech scho­ol of modu­lar design in Fran­ce, the coun­t­ry whe­re more spa­ce modu­les are lea­sed than in any other.

KOMA MODU­LAR is also pre­pa­red to deli­ver modu­lar apart­ment buil­dings within the Czech Repub­lic if the gover­n­ment deci­des also to sup­port this type of con­structi­on here and if here pro­gres­si­ve inves­tors can be found as they can to the west of our borders.

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