Unique Sani­ta­ry Modu­les Resistant Aga­inst Extre­me Cli­ma­tic Conditions.

04. 07. 2018 | News

We have com­ple­ted a deli­ve­ry of spe­cial sani­ta­ry modu­les for Norway that meet the demands of bit­ter Scan­di­na­vi­an win­ters. The modu­les are unique both in the­ir appea­ran­ce and in the­ir tech­ni­cal para­me­ters and equi­p­ment within an anti-van­dal set-up made of sta­in­less ste­el. The­re are two buil­dings – one for women and the second for men. The­re are 12 washro­oms with toi­lets and two washro­oms desig­na­ted for the disa­bled in each buil­ding. They hou­se two tech­ni­cal rooms and one cen­t­ral corri­dor modu­le with natu­ral light. The inner sur­fa­ce of the sani­ta­ry rooms is coa­ted with scu­ff-resistant acry­lic paint. The com­ple­te assem­bly is finished with a woo­den faca­de. Thank you to our part­ner, Hibas AS, for the out­stan­ding teamwork!

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