In-the-Dark Café Opened

05. 06. 2019 | News

In-the-Dark Café, foun­dati­on of Czech Radio, Fire-Fly, ope­ning ceremony

We were pre­sent at the inau­gu­rati­on of the In-the-Dark Café, which we deli­ve­red under the fra­mework of a huma­ni­ta­ri­an pro­ject to the Fire-Fly Foun­dati­on – the Czech Radio Endow­ment Fund. We, as a soci­ally respon­si­ble com­pa­ny, under­ta­ke one lar­ger pro­ject within the sco­pe of huma­ni­ta­ri­an acti­vi­ty each year. In the past, for exam­ple, we have deli­ve­red a lod­ging hou­se for aban­do­ned Ukra­i­ni­an mothers with chil­dren who had lost the­ir husbands as a result of Rus­si­an aggres­si­on, sales rooms for vege­tables to Mol­da­via, and also a lod­ging hou­se for the Good Pas­tor Com­mu­ni­ty for the Home­less in Slo­va­kia. The In-the-Dark Café is the first lar­ger pro­ject in our regi­on. The enti­re FAMI­LY of KOMA com­pa­nies took part. KOMA MODU­LAR pro­du­ced modu­les accor­ding to the design of Adéla Bačo­vá, KOMA FACA­DE dres­sed the modu­le with mirror facing, and KOMA RENT orga­ni­zed the logis­ti­cal ser­vi­ces – trans­port and assem­bly. KOMA RENT will, more­o­ver, grant spa­ce for café par­king when it is not being used at events. It will also take care of trans­port and assem­bly at other events. We have per­so­nally expe­ri­en­ced the spe­cial mood in the café immer­sed in com­ple­te dark­ness. We have to express our admi­rati­on for the sight­less ser­vi­ce sta­ff, the­ir ple­a­sant com­port­ment, and the carry­o­ver of posi­ti­ve ener­gy. The Czech TV gave air­ti­me to this event during Stu­dio 6 – see the video. The inau­gu­rati­on was com­men­ta­ted by Lucie Výbor­ná in the pre­sen­ce of other well-known per­so­na­li­ties – an inter­view with the Fire-Fly Foun­dati­on direc­tor can be heard here. The authors of the uni­form sty­le of the foun­dati­on of the Czech Radio Endow­ment Fund are Pet­ra Komár­ko­vá (designer of the logo) and Jakub Šolin (cre­a­ti­ve con­cept) from the Czech Radio Gra­phic Studio.

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