City Modu­les in 2019

17. 04. 2020 | News

A sur­vey of events whe­re the CITY modu­les were featured.

Poptat CITY Moduly

Our CITY modu­les could be seen throu­ghout 2019. The spring and sum­mer sea­sons are when our modu­les are encoun­te­red at vari­ous fes­ti­vals and events. This year, we began the ren­tal sea­son in March when the Elkoy com­pa­ny ren­ted a Ligh­thou­se assem­bly from us as an exhi­bi­ti­on stand for the Amper Fair. Late in March two modu­les tra­velled to Aus­tria for the first time whe­re they hel­ped to pro­mo­te elect­ric pro­ducts. In mid April, two modu­les appea­red at the inter­nati­o­nal Fes­ti­val of Popu­lar-Science Films in Olo­mouc and, in late April, ano­ther six modu­les were on dis­play on Pea­ce Squa­re in Zlín for The Zlín Design Week. One modu­le migra­ted to the Baťa Vil­la in Zlín, whe­re it con­tri­bu­ted to the cele­brati­on of 125 years of inspi­rati­on from Baťa. Eight modu­les tra­velled to Brno to ser­ve as a tem­po­ra­ry stati­on at the Lower Rai­lway Stati­on. Late May belon­ged the Film Fes­ti­val for Chil­dren and You­th in Zlín, whe­re you could visit our modu­les on Pea­ce Squa­re, Jud­ge Street or in Komen­ský and Pea­ce Parks. Ear­ly in the holi­da­ys, CITY modu­les and the Ligh­thou­se Uher­ské Hra­diš­tě appea­red whe­re they sup­por­ted a mag­ni­fi­cent sports and cul­tu­ral event, the Mora­vi­an Slo­va­ki­an Sum­mer. In the same town you could also see them at the Film Scho­ol. The holi­da­ys are full of music fes­ti­vals and our CITY modu­les are beco­ming com­mon­pla­ce at the lar­gest of them, The Colours of Ost­ra­va. In Sep­tem­ber, three CITY modu­les were at The Svět­lo Val­mez Fes­ti­val in Valaš­ské Mezi­ří­čí; in Octo­ber ano­ther three were at The Pra­gue Sig­nal Fes­ti­val. One gla­zed modu­le, the Ligh­thou­se assem­bly and the In-the-Dark Café were to be seen at The Ji.Hlava Docu­men­ta­ry Film Fes­ti­val whe­re it hel­ped to pre­sent NIKON and one modu­le was also at the Pra­gue Designblock. At the Inter­nati­o­nal engi­nee­ring Fair in Brno, one modu­le ser­ved as an info point; The Insti­tu­te of Cir­cu­lar Eco­no­my was pre­sen­ted and KOMA had its pre­sen­tati­on of our eco­lo­gi­cal modu­lar con­structi­on sys­tem in one modu­le during an assem­bly of design workshops. Ano­ther two units cros­sed Czechia with the Foot­shop, and also visi­ted Olo­mouc, Čes­ké Budě­jo­vi­ce, Brno and Zlín, whe­re they were used as music stages. Our modu­les were also pre­sent at Christmas mar­kets in Brno.

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