The first pla­ne lands in Saint-Louis

10. 12. 2023 | News

The modu­lar air­port in Saint-Louis has star­ted ope­rati­ons with its first com­mer­cial flight.

Thur­sday 7 Decem­ber marks Inter­nati­o­nal Civil Avi­ati­on Day, which was the ide­al occasi­on for the offi­cial launch of the newly reno­va­ted inter­nati­o­nal air­port in Saint-Louis.

The first two com­mer­cial fli­ghts from Dakar Inter­nati­o­nal Air­port were ope­ra­ted by Transair, the lar­gest pri­va­te air­li­ne in Senegal.

We would like to thank our part­ner TRANSCON ELECTRO­NIC SYS­TEMS, which cove­red the enti­re deli­ve­ry of the modu­lar air­port, for the photographs.