Brown­field of Zlín to be Chan­ged into a Mul­ti­functi­o­nal Com­mu­ni­ty Centre

18. 06. 2024 | News

KOMA MODU­LAR, a lea­der in the field of modu­lar con­structi­on, has won the com­pe­ti­ti­on for the trans­for­mati­on of the Zlín site known as Smurf Town”. The new pro­ject, worth almost CZK 100 mil­li­on, pro­mi­ses not only modern archi­tectu­re but also a sig­ni­fi­cant impro­ve­ment in the civic ame­ni­ties and cul­tu­ral offer of the city of Zlín and the loca­li­ty of Již­ní Svahy.

Toge­ther with the Chy­bik + Krištof archi­tects, we have pre­pa­red a design for a hyb­rid modu­lar buil­ding that is open and respect­ful of the surroun­ding area. We wan­ted to open up the who­le buil­ding to the peo­ple, so we cho­se the con­cept of a pass-throu­gh atri­um with a heart – a lan­tern – in the mid­dle, which domi­na­tes the who­le buil­ding,” com­men­ted Mr. Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec, the owner of KOMA MODULAR.

The new cen­t­re will be a mul­ti­functi­o­nal spa­ce offe­ring a wide ran­ge of ser­vi­ces and acti­vi­ties. Indi­vi­du­al parts and modu­les will be used for cate­ring faci­li­ties, a cre­a­ti­ve part (workshops, co-wor­king cen­t­re) and an exhi­bi­ti­on part. The squa­re in the mid­dle with the mobi­le modu­les will be adap­ted fle­xi­bly for cul­tu­ral events such as movies, con­certs, theatre.

Marie Schüller, who will be respon­si­ble for the ope­rati­o­nal part of the cen­t­re, emphasi­zed the impor­tan­ce of the mee­ting pla­ce: We will pre­fer cham­ber events with a con­cre­te focus. Our goal is to cre­a­te a mee­ting pla­ce, a live­ly pla­ce whe­re gene­rati­ons, peo­ple with com­mon inte­rests, will con­nect. The pla­ce is assem­bled so that it lives insi­de all day long, 7 days a week. We want peo­ple to come back.”

The KOMA MODU­LAR pro­ject also emphasi­ses local com­mu­ni­ty invol­ve­ment and sup­port for local acti­vi­ties. We will nego­ti­a­te with poten­tial tenants, but the level of ser­vi­ces pro­vi­ded, qua­li­ty, diver­si­ty, local­ness, bene­fit for the com­mu­ni­ty, and invol­ve­ment in events will be deci­si­ve for us. We want to ena­ble eve­ry­o­ne to spend qua­li­ty time here without being con­di­ti­o­ned to con­su­me and spend money. In the design pro­cess we have alrea­dy envi­saged the invol­ve­ment of all local orga­ni­sati­ons, soci­e­ties and groups,” added Ms. Schüller.

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My inten­ti­ons have a much broa­der his­to­ry based on a long-stan­ding con­necti­on to cul­tu­re and art, con­necting modu­la­ri­ty and archi­tectu­re and cre­a­ting new com­mu­ni­ties. When the city laun­ched the com­pe­ti­ti­on at Již­ní Sva­hy, we deci­ded that this was a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to ele­va­te life in Zlín and make it more attracti­ve for living,” conclu­ded Mr. Martinec.

KOMA MODU­LAR is plan­ning to set up an infor­mati­on cen­t­re using CITY modu­les, which peo­ple know from the Zlin Design Week or the Zlín Film Fes­ti­val for Chil­dren and You­th. In them, peo­ple will be able to see the pre­pa­red inten­ti­on of the buil­ding. KOMA also wants to collect feedback and pro­po­sals for the con­tents of the mul­ti­functi­o­nal centre.

The City of Zlín is loo­king for­ward to the new era that this pro­ject will bring. The win­ning pro­po­sal con­sists in the con­structi­on of a com­ple­te­ly new buil­ding and pro­mi­ses a modern con­tent and appro­ach to the ser­vi­ce pro­vi­si­on,” com­men­ted May­or Mr. Jiří Korec on the results of the com­pe­ti­ti­on. KOMA MODU­LAR is alrea­dy pre­pa­ring to imple­ment the pro­ject, which should be com­ple­ted in mid-2026. This pro­ject is ano­ther step in the com­pa­ny­’s long-term com­mit­ment to con­tri­bu­te to the deve­lo­p­ment of modern and susta­i­na­ble archi­tectu­re and to cul­ti­va­te and deve­lop social life in Zlín.