Modu­lar Sur­gi­cal Pavi­li­on Han­ded over

02. 08. 2024 | News

On 31 July, we have com­ple­ted the deli­ve­ry of the second modu­lar pavi­li­on for hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná, this time for the sur­ge­ry department. 

The sur­ge­ry buil­ding has two flo­ors and con­sists of 65 modu­les. The first flo­or will hou­se a ward with 25 beds, whi­le the second flo­or is equip­ped with a modern ope­ra­ting the­a­t­re, which is con­nec­ted to the exis­ting sur­gi­cal faci­li­ties of the hospi­tal. Thanks to its modu­la­ri­ty, it will be possi­ble to expand the pavi­li­on with an addi­ti­o­nal ope­ra­ting the­a­t­re in the future.

At the han­do­ver cere­mo­ny, the inves­tor rece­i­ved a key of KOMA from our owner Mr. Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec, sym­bo­li­zing that our doors are alwa­ys open for them.

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