We three kings are on our way, brin­ging modu­la­ri­ty to you today

19. 12. 2024 | News

As we spend the last moments of 2024 with our loved ones, it warms our hearts that thanks to modu­la­ri­ty we can help peo­ple and enrich the world.

Thank you for sup­por­ting modu­la­ri­ty, thank you for being part of it, and thank you for accom­pa­ny­ing us on a jour­ney that has true meaning.

We, three sis­ters (KOMA MODU­LAR, KOMA RENT, KOMA Slo­va­kia), like three kings bring you a gift of modu­lar con­structi­on, with which we can chan­ge the world together.

We look for­ward to further coo­pe­rati­on with you in the coming year and wish you the most won­der­ful Christmas and a Hap­py New Year.