Star­ting the Con­structi­on of Sene­ga­l’s Second Airport

08. 04. 2024 | News

From April 8th, the con­structi­on of Sene­ga­l’s second air­port begins. Work starts at tem­pe­ra­tu­res over 45°C.

Launching a New Project: Senegal’s Second Airport

On Mon­day, April 8th, 2024, we begin the assem­bly of Sene­ga­l’s second air­port, this time taking pla­ce in the pictu­re­sque town of Ouro Sogui, loca­ted in the Matam pro­vin­ce. With our team alrea­dy on-site and rea­dy, we will dive into the work to trans­form this regi­o­nal air­port into ano­ther trans­port hub.

The air­port, designed as a ground-level buil­ding, will con­sist of 48 ter­mi­nal modu­les, 31 han­gar modu­les, and one gate­hou­se module.

We are star­ting under challen­ging con­di­ti­ons, with tem­pe­ra­tu­res in the regi­on rea­ching over 45 degre­es Cel­sius. However, this challen­ge will not stop us; on the con­tra­ry, it demon­stra­tes our deter­mi­nati­on and abi­li­ty to over­co­me obstacles. Follow us as we pro­gress on this incre­di­ble jour­ney to deve­lop infrastructu­re in Sene­gal and bring pro­gress to remo­te areas.