
Examples of international modular projects | 01. 01. 2014

The first modular research station in the world which moves by itself


Examples of international modular projects | 01. 01. 2014

Koby Cottage in Albion, Michigan

Video | 17. 11. 2013

KOMA continues its presentation at social channels, too

Pro­ba­bly nobo­dy is in doubt that are pre­sent social media and social chan­nels are fun­da­men­tal for pre­sen­tati­on of com­pa­nies, too. Recent­ly, KOMA has made a lot of effort to impro­ve the sty­le and qua­li­ty of its self-pre­sen­tati­on, which, of cour­se, is not only left to the prin­ted form. We have recent­ly pla­ced a new video on the social video chan­nel Youtube.com. This video pre­sents vari­ous types of modu­lar kindergartens.

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