News | 02. 08. 2024

Modular Surgical Pavilion Handed over

On 31 July, we have com­ple­ted the deli­ve­ry of the second modu­lar pavi­li­on for hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná, this time for the sur­ge­ry department. 

Multifunkcni centrum

News | 18. 06. 2024

Brownfield of Zlín to be Changed into a Multifunctional Community Centre

KOMA MODU­LAR, a lea­der in the field of modu­lar con­structi­on, has won the com­pe­ti­ti­on for the trans­for­mati­on of the Zlín site known as Smurf Town”. The new pro­ject, worth almost CZK 100 mil­li­on, pro­mi­ses not only modern archi­tectu­re but also a sig­ni­fi­cant impro­ve­ment in the civic ame­ni­ties and cul­tu­ral offer of the city of Zlín and the loca­li­ty of Již­ní Svahy.

Reportaz nemocnice v Karvine

Video | 16. 04. 2024

We have started the construction of the surgical department in Karviná (CZ)

On Mon­day, April 15, we began assem­b­ling the second hospi­tal pavi­li­on in Karviná.

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News | 08. 04. 2024

Starting the Construction of Senegal's Second Airport

From April 8th, the con­structi­on of Sene­ga­l’s second air­port begins. Work starts at tem­pe­ra­tu­res over 45°C.

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