Visit to Senegal

22. 06. 2023 | Projects

One year after the han­do­ver of the air­port in Saint Louis, we went to check on the air­port again. 

Part of our KOMA team embar­ked on a busi­ness trip to Sene­gal last week with the aim of con­ducting an inspecti­on of the com­ple­ted first modu­lar air­port in the world, loca­ted in the city of Saint Louis. During this trip, a tho­rou­gh inspecti­on of the sto­red modu­les, which are awai­ting assem­bly for the second air­port in Matam, was also carried out. This jour­ney to Afri­can coun­tries brou­ght not only pro­fes­si­o­nal challen­ges but also fas­ci­na­ting insi­ghts into a dif­fe­rent cul­tu­re. The modu­lar air­port in Saint Louis, which is alrea­dy com­ple­ted and current­ly under­go­ing test ope­rati­ons, pro­mi­ses to revo­lu­ti­o­ni­ze air trans­por­tati­on in the regi­on. Our team mem­bers went throu­gh dif­fe­rent parts of the air­port and veri­fied its con­di­ti­on befo­re the offi­cial air­port ope­rati­ons begin.

The second modu­lar air­port in Matam pre­sents ano­ther challen­ge, as the city is loca­ted near the bor­ders with Mau­ri­ta­nia in a desert area with high tem­pe­ra­tu­res. During the­ir stay in this locati­on, they rechec­ked the sto­red modu­les that will be used for the assem­bly of the next airport.

Not only the pro­fes­si­o­nal aspect of this busi­ness trip was impor­tant, but also the cul­tu­ral expe­ri­en­ces that our colle­a­gu­es had. Mee­ting with local resi­dents, explo­ring tra­di­ti­o­nal Sene­ga­le­se cui­si­ne, and get­ting to know local cus­toms con­tri­bu­ted to enri­ching the­ir worl­dview. This expe­ri­en­ce pro­vi­ded them with new per­specti­ves and expan­ded the­ir horizons.