Com­pe­ti­tors Attempt to Unco­ver KOMA Know-How by Means of Espionage

17. 10. 2014 | Video

We have recent­ly unco­ve­red attempts at espi­o­nage in our manu­factu­ring plant at Vizo­vi­ce. See the pro­of below, repre­sen­ted by a video pre­ten­ding to be an adver­ti­sing video pro­mo­ting KOMA pro­ducti­on. Our com­pe­ti­tors have tried to reve­al our unique know-how and make it pub­lic in this way.

We must cer­ta­in­ly denoun­ce this acti­vi­ty, althou­gh we under­stand the moti­vati­on of our com­pe­ti­tors. KOMA is clear­ly gai­ning a lar­ger mar­ket sha­re in the area of modu­lar con­structi­on and archi­tectu­re, whe­re it has beco­me the unques­ti­o­na­ble lea­der. For many years our com­pe­ti­tors have tried to belitt­le the inno­va­ti­ve pro­cedu­res used by KOMA. But cus­to­mers began to demand the best qua­li­ty and thus tur­ned to KOMA in gre­at num­bers. Our com­pe­ti­tors want to pub­li­ci­ze the pro­pri­e­ta­ry pro­cedu­res used by KOMA throu­gh this spy video to allow others to reach the same standards.

However, the offi­cial stan­d­point of KOMA is that inno­vati­ons stem from peo­ple, from the employe­es of KOMA. This is illustra­ted in the video, as well. That is why the manage­ment of the Vizo­vi­ce com­pa­ny has rema­i­ned calm for they know that no espi­o­nage may sub­sti­tu­te for the­ir employe­es and the inno­vati­ons possessed by KOMA

See the video here.

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