
A com­mon fea­tu­re of modu­la­ri­ty in all fields is simplification.

Modularity is the future of construction

What is modularity

A modu­lar con­structi­on is cre­a­ted by the pre­fab­ri­cati­on of modu­les in pro­ducti­on and the­ir assem­bly on the con­structi­on site. It is fast, envi­ron­men­tally fri­en­dly and, thanks to qua­li­ty con­t­rol on the line, it atta­ins a high stan­dard of civil engineering.

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Advantages of modular constructions

Compared to traditional construction, modular construction shows many positive features both in terms of quality and economy.
line quality
Most production is carried out under constant climatic conditions in a production hall. Fully digitized production enables line quality to be achieved thanks to the control system. KOMA is proud to implement the Industry 4.0 system.
fixed price
The economic benefits are not only based on the speed of modular construction. Line production also means control over the price of a product. As a result, the price you agree to when awarding the contract is the price you actually pay for the construction.
Thanks to the preparation of modules, including the equipment in the production hall, the building will be erected on site in a matter of hours and is effectively ready for use.
A modular object can later be disassembled into individual modules and re-implemented to meet the needs of another object.
Modular buildings can respond to the current needs of the owner and can be expanded. For example two additional floors could be added.
environmental protection
One equally important feature follows from above; a modular structure is extremely environmentally friendly. Inhabitants of surrounding living spaces are not disturbed by an enduring construction process.

Modu­lar con­structi­on is often jud­ged based on misin­for­med prejudices

Myths about modu­lar construction

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The myth is roo­ted in a misun­der­stan­ding of the terms modu­lar con­structi­on” and sets of con­structi­on site con­ta­i­ners”. We can still high­li­ght the extre­me pri­ce advan­tage, however, modu­lar buil­dings can offer the same fea­tu­res as other buil­dings erec­ted using stan­dard methods. Whe­ther modu­lar or con­ven­ti­o­nal con­structi­on, cer­ta­in pri­ces rema­in com­pa­ra­ble – it must be remem­be­red that the same mate­ri­als are used, whe­ther for sur­fa­ces, fil­lings of ope­nings or crafts and we can­not expect the sup­pliers of these mate­ri­als to pro­vi­de extre­me dis­counts on these mate­ri­als. However, the inves­tor does gain a pri­ce advan­tage thanks to the fast imple­men­tati­on of a modu­lar buil­ding and an ear­lier return on investment.

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Modu­lar con­structi­on has no ambi­ti­on to cre­a­te buil­dings that will cha­rac­te­ri­ze the time for cen­tu­ries. MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON is a fast and eco­no­mi­cal solu­ti­on with an added archi­tectu­ral and design value. In terms of life cycle, the tech­ni­cal building’s life cycle is, in any case, much higher than the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal life cycle. Thus, it is sig­ni­fi­cant­ly lon­ger than the requi­re­ments for the use of buil­dings under the current way of life. The load-bea­ring capa­ci­ty of a modu­lar buil­ding is ensu­red as KOMA modu­les are pro­du­ced from ste­el zinc-pla­ted con­structi­on, which – accor­ding to the EGGA – will lose its load-bea­ring capa­ci­ty if left to weather con­di­ti­ons over 140 years. In the case of modu­les, the zinc-pla­ted con­structi­on is not expo­sed to weather con­di­ti­ons, so we can say with cer­ta­in­ty that the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal life­ti­me is less than the tech­ni­cal life­ti­me. In addi­ti­on, modu­lar buil­dings do not have to be demo­lished at the end of its use­ful­ness; rather indi­vi­du­al modu­les can be used for other pur­po­ses thus slowing pro­duct obsolescence.

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This myth also aro­se in con­necti­on with views based on assem­b­lies from con­structi­on site resi­den­tial con­ta­i­ners. But MODU­LAR BUIL­DINGS are a dif­fe­rent cate­go­ry. In short – it is a modern sys­tem of buil­ding acqui­si­ti­on using an off-site con­structi­on” sys­tem. This means that most of the pro­ducti­on is carried out under con­stant cli­ma­tic con­di­ti­ons in a pro­ducti­on hall. You can cre­a­te a buil­ding using spa­tial modu­les, panels or ele­ments such as bricks or blocks. This phi­lo­so­phy makes it clear: Just as a brick is not respon­si­ble for the look, so too is a modu­le not respon­si­ble for the appea­ran­ce. The appea­ran­ce of a buil­ding is clear­ly defi­ned by the architect.

Modul is not a container

Our certificates

Gentleman´s Com­pa­ny
Red Dot Award
ISO 14001:2015
ETA 150119
ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110