• Nemocnice nabidka
  • Nemocnice nabidka
  • Nemocnice

Quotation for Modular Hospitals

Quo­tati­on for Modu­lar Hospitals

We offer con­structi­on of modu­lar hospi­tals com­posed from stan­dard modu­les from the Stan­dard Line series. The hospi­tal may vary in com­posi­ti­on of selec­ted depart­ments. The pro­po­sal is based on the typi­cal depart­men­tal arran­ge­ment that a hospi­tal requi­res – an urgent admis­si­on room, a dia­gnos­tic room, three emer­gen­cy rooms, a hospi­tal phar­ma­cy, labo­ra­to­ries, and admi­nis­trati­on rooms. 

Stan­dard proposal:

  • Wards with 62 beds
    - Modu­lar hospi­tal with an area of 3,156 m2
    - Cost: CZK42 mil. – mela­mi­ne-sur­fa­ced clad­ding, CZK48 mil. – gyp­sum-sur­fa­ced cladding
    - The pri­ce inclu­des equi­p­ment accor­ding to the ground plan, sup­ply, and assembly. 
    - The pri­ce does not inclu­de: trans­port to the installati­on locati­on, lower structu­re, con­necti­ons, medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy, air con­di­ti­o­ning, fire alarm sys­tem, and other uti­li­ty supplies

The hospi­tal can be exten­ded or redu­ced in lay­out or size as requi­red by the client.

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