V Podlahy Pardubice 6
V Podlahy Pardubice 2
V Podlahy Pardubice 7
V Podlahy Pardubice 8
V Podlahy Pardubice 6
V Podlahy Pardubice 9
V Podlahy Pardubice 3
V Podlahy Pardubice 1
V Podlahy Pardubice 10
V Podlahy Pardubice 11
V Podlahy Pardubice 12
V Podlahy Pardubice 5
V Podlahy Pardubice 4

12 photos

Administrative Building for V-Podlahy

A modular two-storey building constructed from 22 Standard Line series modules with a bond-plate facade.

Classification:Administrative Buildings
Year of implementation:2020
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 2 weeks
Length of manufacture: 1 week
Number of modules: 22
Area: 396 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

V-Pod­la­hy, a long-time sup­plier of ours, deci­ded to use our modu­lar sys­tem to erect an admi­nis­tra­ti­ve buil­ding, a shop and a showro­om. The two-sto­rey buil­ding is assem­bled from 22 Stan­dard Line modu­les and meets the DP1 fire resistan­ce requi­re­ments. In the inte­ri­ors the­re are archi­t­ra­ve fra­mes, suspen­ded cei­lings and con­ce­a­led water and was­te dis­tri­bu­ti­on sys­tems. The jacke­ting of the buil­ding is from red bond pla­tes. The upper flo­or hou­ses the company’s offi­ces and a mee­ting room; the ground flo­or is a flo­o­ring shop and a showroom.

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