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Auxiliary Rooms for Sporting Goods in Moninec Sporting Park

The modular complex for the TRIGEMA company in Monínec Sporting Park is situated at Javorová skála (Maple Rock) south of Prague on the frontier between the Central and South Bohemian regions near the town of Sedlec-Prčice

Classification:Sport facilities
Year of implementation:2018
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 4 Weeks
Length of manufacture: 2 Weeks
Number of modules: 9
Area: 162 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

The modu­lar structu­res also mani­fest the­ir advan­tages as auxi­li­a­ry rooms for vari­ous spor­ting acti­vi­ties. This time we erec­ted a modu­lar com­plex in the Moni­nec Spor­ting Park for the TRI­GE­MA com­pa­ny. The com­plex ser­ves as a ren­tal ser­vi­ce for ski out­fit­ting and ski scho­ols in win­ter; in sum­mer it ser­ves for vari­ous out­do­or acti­vi­ties inclu­ding a ren­tal ser­vi­ce for bikes and scooters.

Moní­nec is situa­ted in the heart of Czech Sibe­ria and the com­bi­nati­on of its cli­ma­te, the north-facing hill­si­de, and its alti­tu­de abo­ve sea level makes Moni­nec a unique natu­ral gla­cier. Seve­ral dow­nhill runs for skiers and snow­bo­ar­ders are here at your dis­po­sal. You can be bou­ght up to the peak in a four-seat cable lift. The ski scho­ol offers instructi­on for adults and chil­dren in two ski parks. The spor­ting park is equip­ped with the most up-to-date arti­fi­cial snow machi­nes ena­b­ling snow pro­ducti­on at tem­pe­ra­tu­res abo­ve fre­e­zing. Moní­nec is, the­re­fo­re, an ide­al pla­ce for skiing not far from Pra­gue. Of cour­se, the faci­li­ties are com­ple­te­ly equip­ped for win­ter sports with ren­tal and ski ser­vi­ces. Thanks to the sta­te-of-the-art arti­fi­cial snow machi­nes, the local hill is ide­al for skiing even at times when cyc­ling sea­son is well under way in other locati­ons. In addi­ti­on to dow­nhill skiing, you can find other win­ter attracti­ons here inclu­ding snow tubing, sled­ding, and bob­sled­ding. In the Moni­nec surroun­dings the­re are rou­gh­ly 54 kilo­me­ters of well-kept and regu­lar­ly main­ta­i­ned cross-coun­t­ry trails.

In sum­mer, park visi­tors can enjoy a lar­ge num­ber of biking trails in the area as well as enter­ta­in­ment attracti­ons within the park. The­re is a bike park with seve­ral trails sui­table both for expe­ri­en­ced bikers and also for begin­ners and chil­dren among other attracti­ons. A good time can be had by all with the park’s tram­po­li­nes, tubing faci­li­ties, disc golf, zip lines, moun­ta­in sco­o­ters, ten­nis, volley­ball, and other acti­vi­ties. Only a few minu­tes’ walk from the bot­tom cable lift stati­on you can make use of Pil­ský Pond, a natu­ral swi­m­ming hole. For sum­mer­ti­me refre­shment, you can use the out­do­or pool near the Moni­nec Hotel.

The Moní­nec Spor­ting Park can be found at Javo­ro­vá ská­la (Maple Rock) sou­th of Pra­gue on the fron­tier between the Cen­t­ral and Sou­th Bohe­mi­an regi­ons near the town of Sedlec-Prčice.

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