MS Kvetnice 3
MS Kvetnice 3
MS Kvetnice 1
MS Kvetnice 12
MS Kvetnice 5
MS Kvetnice 10
MS Kvetnice 9
MS Kvetnice 4
MS Kvetnice 11
MS Kvetnice 7
MS Kvetnice 6
MS Kvetnice 8
MS Kvetnice 2

12 photos

Four-classroom Kindergarten in Květnice

A two-storey modular four-classroom kindergarten for 96 children from 44 Standard Line series modules.

Classification:School Realisations / Kindergartens
Year of implementation:2020
Client:Obec Květnice
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 month
Length of manufacture: 2 weeks
Number of modules: 44
Area: 1040 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

The muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Květ­ni­ce deci­ded to use our modu­lar sys­tem to erect a kin­der­gar­ten as well. KOMA was the gene­ral con­trac­tor of this two-sto­rey kin­der­gar­ten erec­ted using 44 Stan­dard Line modu­les. The­re are four clas­sro­oms, a pla­y­ro­om, a lunch coun­ter, sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties and auxi­li­a­ry rooms for tea­chers. The­re is barrier-free access to the upper flo­or by means of an ele­va­tor. The pla­y­ro­oms form an open spa­ce without load dis­tri­bu­ti­on columns and are equip­ped with acous­tic cei­lings. The hot-water-hea­ting sys­tem and the con­ce­a­led water and was­te dis­tri­bu­ti­on sys­tem is a mat­ter of cour­se. The buil­ding is fit­ted with an insu­la­ted faca­de with plas­ter and an insu­la­ted roof.

The kin­der­gar­ten meets all current buil­ding-type con­structi­on requirements.

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