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Cultural centre in Rybník, CZ

A Cultural Modular Centre in Rybník

Classification:Cultural venues / Community centre
Year of implementation:2013
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 4 weeks
Length of manufacture: 2 weeks
Number of modules: 10
Area: 324 m2
Product series: ComfortLine
Sales model:Sale
The con­structi­on sys­tem using so-called flat-packs is used qui­te frequent­ly; however, deli­ve­ring buil­dings made up of lar­ge-for­mat modu­les flat- pac­ked is rather unique. The cul­tu­ral cen­t­re in Ryb­ník, Czech Repub­lic, with an area of 324 sq. meters, con­sists of 10 lar­ge-for­mat Com­fort modu­les, and the ver­ti­cal clea­ran­ce of the hall, com­pri­sed of 6 modu­les, must have a clear hei­ght of 4.3 meters. The centre’s faci­li­ties, i.e. a kit­che­net­te, restro­oms, sto­rage rooms and a clubro­om, were built from 4 stan­dard modu­les with a clear hei­ght of 2.8 meters.
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