
15 photos

Designblok 2014, Prague, CZ

KOMA, in cooperation with the Chybík Krištof AA architectural studio and students from the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Art and Design (FAD) of the West Bohemian University in Pilsen, has presented one of the FAD exhibitions at Designblok 14 in untypical trapezoidal CITY modules. The containers, which immediately catch the eye, are installed in the heart of the historic centre of Prague in Na Příkopech street. The exhibitions installed in the CITY modules have been split into two creative groups. The KYČN group prepared a place to rest with a game in one of the CITY modules, where passers-by can play a computer game on the installed tablets. The other container was designed by the SKLENÍK group as a gym where people can run a marathon (if they run around the container perimeter 3,500 times) or try out running 4.6m. The seriousness of the activity of SKLENÍK is documented not only by the video spot at http://vimeo.com/108446159, but also on the Kontejrun website. It is good to see that a street lined with historic buildings and shops with fashionable brands offers a rest zone in containers which look just great.
Classification:Special modules / City modules
Year of implementation:2014
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 day
Length of manufacture: 1 day
Number of modules: 2
Product series: CityModul
Sales model:Lease
KOMA, in coo­pe­rati­on with the Chy­bík Krištof AA archi­tectu­ral stu­dio and stu­dents from the Ladi­slav Sut­nar Facul­ty of Art and Design (FAD) of the West Bohe­mi­an Uni­ver­si­ty in Pil­sen, has pre­sen­ted one of the FAD exhi­bi­ti­ons at Designblok 14 in unty­pi­cal tra­pe­zo­i­dal CITY modu­les. The con­ta­i­ners, which imme­di­a­te­ly catch the eye, are installed in the heart of the his­to­ric cen­t­re of Pra­gue in Na Pří­ko­pech street. The exhi­bi­ti­ons installed in the CITY modu­les have been split into two cre­a­ti­ve groups. The KYČN group pre­pa­red a pla­ce to rest with a game in one of the CITY modu­les, whe­re pas­sers-by can play a com­pu­ter game on the installed tablets. The other con­ta­i­ner was designed by the SKLE­NÍK group as a gym whe­re peo­ple can run a marathon (if they run around the con­ta­i­ner peri­me­ter 3,500 times) or try out run­ning 4.6m. The seri­ousness of the acti­vi­ty of SKLE­NÍK is docu­men­ted not only by the video spot at http://vimeo.com/108446159, but also on the Kon­tej­run web­si­te. It is good to see that a street lined with his­to­ric buil­dings and shops with fashi­o­na­ble brands offers a rest zone in con­ta­i­ners which look just great.
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