22 photos

Temporary Modular Elementary School for 300 Students in Prušánky

In Prušánky, we built a temporary school in just four months that meets all the requirements for modern education. With bright and airy spaces and full equipment, students and teachers feel comfortable and wouldn’t even realize it is a temporary structure.

Classification:School Realisations / Elementary schools
Year of implementation:2024
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 40 Days
Number of modules: 98
Area: 1440 m2
Sales model:Lease
Note:Ceiling height: 3 m

In the village of Pru­šán­ky, near Hodo­nín, we com­ple­ted a high-stan­dard modu­lar scho­ol as a tem­po­ra­ry solu­ti­on during the recon­structi­on of the ori­gi­nal buil­ding. Designed for 300 stu­dents, the scho­ol meets all insu­lati­on and fire resistan­ce stan­dards and offers a cei­ling hei­ght of 3 meters, alu­mi­num win­dows and doors from our own pro­ducti­on, and even an atri­um that ensu­res opti­mal lighting and fre­sh air for both stu­dents and tea­chers. The faça­de is made of PIR panels with con­ce­a­led frames.

Insi­de, the scho­ol is fully equip­ped for dai­ly ope­rati­ons, inclu­ding clas­sro­oms, spe­ci­a­li­zed labs, tea­cher faci­li­ties, hallwa­ys, and restrooms.

This pro­ject, ren­ted for two years, pro­ves that even tem­po­ra­ry solu­ti­ons can pro­vi­de maxi­mum com­fort and high-qua­li­ty craft­sman­ship. It’s part of our com­mit­ment to showing that tem­po­ra­ry structu­res can offer a high stan­dard whe­re stu­dents feel good, com­for­table, and har­dly noti­ce they are in a tem­po­ra­ry building.

Watch our report video to learn more about the con­structi­on pro­cess of this unique modu­lar building.

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