Modularni Komunitni centrum Roztyly 3
Modularni Komunitni centrum Roztyly 1
Modularni Komunitni centrum Roztyly 2
Modularni Komunitni centrum Roztyly 3
Modularni Komunitni centrum Roztyly 4
Modularni Komunitni centrum Roztyly 5

5 photos

Temporary Community Centre for Refugees in Roztyly

Modular community centre for refugees implemented in less than 1 month.

Classification:School Realisations / Educational centers
Year of implementation:2022
Client:Passerinvest Group
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 týden
Number of modules: 26
Area: 470 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

At the end of April, a tem­po­ra­ry Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­t­re will be ope­ned, which will ser­ve war refu­ge­es from Ukra­i­ne as a com­for­table base for baby­s­it­ting, social and lei­su­re acti­vi­ties and edu­cati­on with the possi­bi­li­ty of par­ti­ci­pa­ting in social and sup­port programmes. 

The assem­bly of the 26-modu­le buil­ding star­ted on 29 March, when the first half of the modu­les were deli­ve­red. The rest of the modu­les were deli­ve­red and assem­bled the next day. This was followed by finishing work, pre­pa­rati­on of the modu­les and equip­ping the buil­ding. The buil­ding is sche­du­led to be ope­rati­o­nal on 27 April 2022, less than a mon­th after the start of assembly. 

Thanks to Pas­se­rin­vest Group, who finan­ced two-thi­rds of the pro­ject, we were able to rejo­in an acti­vi­ty with a gre­at huma­ni­ta­ri­an impact. 

The pro­ject was cre­a­ted in coo­pe­rati­on with the city dis­t­rict of Pra­gue 11 and the Help Ukra­i­ne Foundation. 

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