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Expansion of the School in Prague, Petrovice

Expanding of the Modular School with Two More Classrooms

Classification:School Realisations / Elementary schools
Year of implementation:2018
Architect / Studio:Starý&Partners
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 4 Weeks
Length of manufacture: 2 Weeks
Number of modules: 6
Area: 135 m2
Sales model:Sale

Four years after setting up a four-class buil­ding on the scho­ol grounds, repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Pra­gue 10, Pet­ro­vi­ce quar­ter, announ­ced that the scho­ol faci­li­ties were not suf­fi­ci­ent. Thus, the need for ano­ther two clas­sro­oms had to be met. Modu­lar con­structi­on allows for the possi­bi­li­ty of expan­ding such structu­res, and if nee­ded, the size of structu­res may be chan­ged or they may be moved to ano­ther locati­on. Befo­re adding onto the buil­ding, it was necessa­ry to remo­ve the exis­ting woo­den faca­de and pre­pa­re for the add-on assem­bly with the two new clas­sro­oms. The architect’s ori­gi­nal inten­ti­on was to con­vey age­ing on the facing of ver­ti­cal larch lamellas, so this facing was main­ly used once aga­in on the new addi­ti­o­nal con­structi­on. The expan­ded scho­ol, now with six clas­sro­oms, does not show any addi­ti­o­nal alterations.

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