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20 photos

Extension of the Mining Hospital in Karviná

A modular extension of the Mining Hospital in Karviná from 77 modules.

Classification:Healthcare projects / Hospitals
Year of implementation:2020
Client:Karvinská hornická nemocnice
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 3 months
Length of manufacture: 2 months
Number of modules: 77
Area: 1960 m2
Product series: ComfortLine
Sales model:Sale

After expe­ri­en­ce with hospi­tal buil­dings abroad, KOMA has imple­men­ted its first hospi­tal edi­fi­ce in the Czech Repub­lic. The inves­tor cho­se modu­lar con­structi­on main­ly due to the rapid assem­bly bene­fits. A three-flo­or extensi­on of the Mining Hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná was com­ple­ted within a few mon­ths. In Febru­a­ry last year, a stu­dy was fina­li­sed and this was followed by pre­pa­ra­to­ry work and the pro­ces­sing of necessa­ry per­mits. The pro­ducti­on of the first modu­les began in August, after which assem­bly was com­ple­ted. As of 5 Janu­a­ry, pati­ents began making use of the emer­gen­cy and out­pa­ti­ent faci­li­ties on the ground flo­or of this buil­ding. The first flo­or is inten­ded for after-care, but it is current­ly being used as a COVID-19 ward. The­re is an ortho­pae­dic ward on the second flo­or with 18 stan­dard beds and 4 beds desig­na­ted for intensi­ve care. The deli­ve­ry inclu­ded an ele­va­tor, hot water hea­ting, and air-conditioning. 

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