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School Expansion in Prague-Petrovice

A growing modular school, originally having four classrooms with facilities, has been expanded with the addition of two more classrooms and a staff room.

Classification:School Realisations / Elementary schools
Year of implementation:2022
Client:Praha - Petrovice
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Number of modules: 32
Area: 657 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

The advan­tages of modu­lar con­structi­on have been uti­li­zed by dis­t­rict repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Pra­gue-Pet­ro­vi­ce. Over the years, they have gra­du­ally been expan­ding the scho­ol to meet current demands.

In 2014 we deli­ve­red and erec­ted a two-flo­or scho­ol made from 24 modu­les from our Stan­dar­d­Li­ne pro­duct series. The buil­ding inclu­ded four clas­sro­oms, chan­ging rooms, a teacher’s offi­ce, auxi­li­a­ry faci­li­ties, and a flower terrace.

Four years later, however, the num­ber of clas­sro­oms was no lon­ger suf­fi­ci­ent and the buil­ding was exten­ded with the addi­ti­on of two more clas­sro­oms, each clas­sro­om con­sis­ting of three modules.

In 2023, a sta­ffro­om was requi­red. It was built from two modu­les and loca­ted on the ori­gi­nal flower terrace.

With modu­lar con­structi­on, it is possi­ble to respond quick­ly to a need for new spa­ces without pla­cing a long-term bur­den on the surroun­ding environment.

Befo­re each buil­ding extensi­on, it was necessa­ry to remo­ve exis­ting woo­den faca­des and pre­pa­re for the add-on assem­bly with the two new modu­les. The architect’s ori­gi­nal inten­ti­on was to con­vey age in the facing of ver­ti­cal larch lamellas, so this facing was main­ly used once aga­in on the new extensi­on con­structi­on. No addi­ti­o­nal inter­ven­ti­on is the­re­fo­re evi­dent in the expan­ded school.

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