SKI Skuhrov Destne 2
SKI Skuhrov Destne 2
SKI Skuhrov Destne 7
SKI Skuhrov Destne 5
SKI Skuhrov Destne 3
SKI Skuhrov Destne 10
SKI Skuhrov Destne 4
SKI Skuhrov Destne 9
SKI Skuhrov Destne 1
SKI Skuhrov Destne 8
SKI Skuhrov Destne 6

10 photos

Modular Auxiliary Rooms for Cross-country Ski Sport Club

Auxiliary rooms for a ski club with a modular core, wooden facade and an attic.

Classification:Sport facilities / Sport club backgrounds
Year of implementation:2019
Client:Wikov SKI Skuhrov
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 week
Length of manufacture: 1 week
Number of modules: 6
Area: 85 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

In Dešt­né in the Orlic­ké Moun­ta­ins, the SKI Skuhrov cross-coun­t­ry ski club uses modu­lar faci­li­ties as well. The ski area has long been in need of sui­table faci­li­ties for athle­tes, coa­ches and other offi­ci­als of the club. Following the strict requi­re­ments for buil­dings in pro­tec­ted are­as of natu­re such as woo­den faca­des and a double-slo­ping roof con­fi­gu­rati­on, a cot­tage was cre­a­ted. The core is modu­lar, but its appea­ran­ce is fashi­o­ned after the tra­di­ti­o­nal moun­ta­in cha­te­aux. A secon­da­ry roof was installed on the ground flo­or abo­ve 6 modu­les, which ser­ve as a com­mon room, faci­li­ties for refe­re­es and offi­ci­als, sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties and a sto­re­ro­om, thus cre­a­ting a sle­e­ping space. 

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