65862815 2321266844606887 5976459099896807424 o
66331360 2329778857089019 7869563036229435392 o
65862815 2321266844606887 5976459099896807424 o
62529574 2315500688516836 2851649776766681088 o
66115214 405892256716068 2477387847011663872 n
Slovacke draci lode
64621776 474120486469213 7246642454454075392 n
Slovacke leto 2019 10
66395733 10156139448556576 1445666819099590656 o
66336573 331125021163680 861496278377299968 n

9 photos

Moravian Slovakia Summer and Pop-up City Modules

City Modules at the Moravian Slovakia Summer 2019 in Uherské Hradiště

Classification:Special modules / City modules
Year of implementation:2019
Architect / Studio:MgA. Adéla Bačová
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 3 Days
Length of manufacture: 1 Month
Number of modules: 12
Area: 216 m2
Product series: CityModul
Sales model:Lease

Our City modu­les are an inte­gral part of sum­mer as well as the sun, the sea and tra­vel­ling, and, unques­ti­o­na­bly, have the­ir pla­ce in the Mora­vi­an Slo­va­kia Summer ☀.

For the thi­rd time, we were a main part­ner at the Mora­vi­an Slo­va­kia Sum­mer cul­tu­ral and spor­ting event. We pro­vi­ded rooms and faci­li­ties with the assem­b­lies of the Ligh­thou­se, Mini­li­gh­thou­se and also a soli­ta­ry CITY modu­le for this won­der­ful fes­ti­val. Our modu­lar structu­res could be found in Uher­ské Hradiště’s his­to­ri­cal cen­t­re on Masa­ryk Squa­re. We enjoyed the fes­ti­val in per­son this year. A pre­mie­re of the dra­gon ship races awai­ted us on the Mora­va River, whe­re we par­ti­ci­pa­ted as total ama­teu­rs with our AMOK-KOMA team.

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