New Modular Oasis in Prague: Smíchov Manifesto Market - KOMA MODULAR (en)
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New Modular Oasis in Prague: Smíchov Manifesto Market

New Manifesto 2 in Smíchov

Classification:Catering projects
Year of implementation:2019
Architect / Studio:Chybik+Kristof AA
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 2 weeks
Length of manufacture: 1 week
Number of modules: 9
Area: 135 m2
Sales model:Lease

On 19 July, the gates of Mani­fes­to in Smí­chov were ope­ned to the first visi­tors. An expe­ri­en­ce con­necting gastro­no­my, ele­gant design, and cul­tu­ral and artis­tic pro­grams is so much nearer for the inha­bi­tants of the left bank of the Vlta­va. A genui­ne sum­mer oasis aro­se from the water surroun­ded by a lush gre­en gar­den. In the spa­ce with two bars and six restau­rants ser­ving tank beer and ori­gi­nal soft drinks on tap along with cocktails, and paired with extra­or­di­na­ry reci­pes and exo­tic cui­si­nes. KOMA MODU­LAR manu­factu­red and assem­bled all the modu­lar buil­dings on the pro­per­ty. The who­le pop-up sum­mer oasis was designed by the Chybik+Kristof Archi­tectu­ral Stu­dio. Mani­fes­to pumps life into the as yet unused Smi­chov Art Nou­ve­au Nati­o­nal Hou­se cour­tyard, for­mer­ly a car­park. The pop-up com­plex will have a shor­ter lifecycle than the mar­ket in Na Flo­ren­ci Street, after the win­ter it will be moved to ano­ther pla­ce in Pra­gue 5. Pre­sen­ted with the kind con­sent of reSi­te, Mar­tin Bar­ry. Pho­to­gra­phy: Micha­el Tomeš.

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