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Primary school in Petrovice

Modular two-storey building with four classrooms.

Classification:School Realisations / Elementary schools
Year of implementation:2014
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 2 weeks
Length of manufacture: 2 weeks
Number of modules: 24
Area: 522 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale
The effects of the baby boom were also tac­kled by repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the urban dis­t­rict of Pra­gue 10-Pet­ro­vi­ce. They built a two-sto­rey buil­ding with four clas­sro­oms in the area of the exis­ting scho­ol with the necessa­ry sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties, com­mu­nal are­as and a flower terra­ce for rela­xati­on. We built the scho­ol in colla­bo­rati­on with the Pra­dast buil­ding com­pa­ny, which per­for­med all of the finishing work on our modu­lar structu­re. The faca­de of the enti­re buil­ding is com­posed of ver­ti­cal unfi­nished larch strips of vari­ous widths.
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