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15 photos

Sanitary Module with Wooden Façade

Public modular toilets for the German city of Kipfenberg.

Classification:Sanitary modules
Year of implementation:2023
Country of implementation:Germany
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: without assembly
Number of modules: 1
Area: 15 m2
Sales model:Sale

For the Ger­man city of Kip­fenberg, we deli­ve­red a com­for­table sani­ta­ry modu­le with a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve woo­den faça­de made of hori­zon­tal lamellas, which makes this social faci­li­ty fit in per­fect­ly with its surroundings. 

The modu­le has a usa­ble area of 15 m² and thus offers suf­fi­ci­ent spa­ce for regu­lar toi­lets and barrier-free access to a sepa­ra­te secti­on for the disabled.

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