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11 photos

Sanitary Modules for Senegal

Two sanitary modules for rental intended in a seaside environment.

Classification:Sanitary modules
Year of implementation:2023
Client:KOMA Senegal
Country of implementation:Senegal
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 day
Length of manufacture: 2 weeks
Number of modules: 2
Area: 14 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Lease

The next KOMA modu­les are hea­ding to the Afri­can con­ti­nent. This time, the­re will be two sani­tati­on modu­les to ser­ve as pub­lic toi­lets and showers, which will be ren­ted out by KOMA Sene­gal as the­re is a gre­at demand for pub­lic sani­tati­on faci­li­ties in Afri­ca. If these two pro­to­ty­pes pro­ve to be suc­cess­ful, a com­ple­te ren­tal park is to be gra­du­ally estab­lished in Senegal.

Each modu­le has a flo­or plan of 6058×2438 mm and is equip­ped with a washing spout, two showers, four Tur­kish toi­lets, and six toi­lets, which are main­ly used in Afri­ca by peo­ple with redu­ced mobi­li­ty (main­ly seni­ors). The inte­ri­or walls are lined with Simo­na boards; the toi­lets and showers are sepa­ra­ted with sani­ta­ry partitions.

The cho­ice of mate­ri­als and finishings had to take requi­re­ments for easy main­te­nan­ce and resistan­ce to the envi­ron­ment into account (coastal envi­ron­ment, high dust, and inten­se sunlight).

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