Sportove centrum Policie 03
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Sportove centrum Policie 14
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Sportove centrum Policie 12
Sportove centrum Policie 13
Sportove centrum Policie 11

13 photos

Police Sports Centre

The two-storey modular building consists of 13 modules from the StandardLine product line with a terrace, an outdoor staircase, and a facade of painted profiled sheet metal.

Classification:Sport facilities
Year of implementation:2023
Client:Športové centrum polície (ŠCP)
Country of implementation:Slovakia
Technical Specifications: Number of modules: 13
Area: 195 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

The modu­lar buil­ding for the Poli­ce Sports Cen­t­re (PSC) in Bra­ti­sla­va was erec­ted by our sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA SLO­VA­KIA, which sells and rents KOMA MODU­LAR pro­ducts in Slo­va­kia. The ground flo­or of the buil­ding, con­sists of 13 Stan­dar­d­Li­ne modu­les, hou­ses a gym­nasi­um, boat sto­rage, and chan­ging rooms. Access to the lar­ge terra­ce, offi­ces and chan­ging rooms on the first flo­or is pro­vi­ded by an exter­nal ste­el staircase. 

In coo­pe­rati­on with poli­ce sports clubs and the Uni­on of Phy­s­i­cal Edu­cati­on Orga­ni­zati­ons of the Slo­vak Nati­o­nal Poli­ce For­ce, the PSC pro­vi­des tra­i­ning for athle­tes par­ti­ci­pa­ting in top spor­ting events. The PSC has the sta­tus of an inde­pen­dent bud­ge­ta­ry orga­ni­zati­on of the Minis­t­ry of Inte­ri­or of the Slo­vak Republic. 

The imple­men­tati­on of the con­tract for the PSC took pla­ce in the beau­ti­ful surroun­dings of Zem­ník near a tri­bu­ta­ry of the Danu­be in a flo­od­pla­in, whe­re an envi­ron­men­tal assess­ment of the modu­les and the­ir impact on the surroun­ding flo­ra and fau­na was requi­red. At the same time, the foun­dati­ons for the flo­od­pla­in nee­ded to be resolved.

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