20170513 101400
20170513 101418 0
20170513 101441

5 photos

Store for Moldavian Farmers

KOMA Modular provided a store in Moldavia for the use of Moldavian farmers in keeping with the KOMA for World humanitarian project initiative. Thus, we are able to provide assistance in the distribution of agricultural products in a country where there is a need.

Classification:Business Realisations / Shops
Year of implementation:2016
Client:KOMA + Diakonie
Country of implementation:Moldova
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 weeks
Length of manufacture: 1 weeks
Number of modules: 6
Area: 110 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Lease

.KOMA, toge­ther with the Dia­co­nia of the Evan­ge­li­cal Church of Czech Bre­thren as a part­ner orga­ni­zati­on, embra­ced Mol­da­vi­an far­mers stri­ving to deve­lop small busi­nesses in one of the poo­rest coun­tries in Euro­pe. The KOMA program’s basic prin­ci­ple is to sup­port self-suf­fi­ci­ency and long-term susta­i­na­bi­li­ty. As the­re are no spe­ci­a­li­zed shops for the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of eco­lo­gi­cal foods in Mol­da­via, our com­pa­ny pro­vi­ded a modu­lar shop under the fra­mework of this huma­ni­ta­ri­an pro­ject. The owner of the structu­re is a non-pro­fit orga­ni­zati­on, Pro Coo­pe­ra­re Regi­o­na­la, who coo­pe­ra­te with Dia­co­nia in Mol­da­via, and, toge­ther with a sis­ter com­pa­ny, KOMA Spa­ce, they manage the susta­i­na­bi­li­ty of the who­le pro­ject. For more about the joint ven­tu­re, see http://www.koma.diakonie.cz

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