Nove Mesto na Morave 20 min
RV1 4933
Nove Mesto na Morave 22 min
Nove Mesto na Morave 21 min
Nove Mesto na Morave 19 min
Nove Mesto na Morave 18 min
Nove Mesto na Morave 17 min
Nove Mesto na Morave 16 min
Nove Mesto na Morave 15 min
RV1 4903

9 photos

Studio for Czech Radio Sport Radiojournal

Temporary modular studio for broadcasting news from the 2024 World Championships in Biathlon.

Classification:Special modules / City modules
Year of implementation:2024
Client:Český Rozhlas Radiožurnál Sport
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 den
Number of modules: 2
Area: 30 m2
Product series: CityModul
Sales model:Lease

Our CITY modu­les ser­ved as a tem­po­ra­ry stu­dio for the Czech Radio Radi­o­jour­nal during the Biathlon World Cham­pi­on­ships in Nové Měs­to na Mora­vě. The design modu­les, which had under­go­ne inno­vati­on the pre­vi­ous year, were used by the mode­ra­tors for two weeks to broad­cast the spor­ting spe­cial programme. 

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