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Successful EXPO 2015 Pavilion back in Vizovice

Successful EXPO 2015 Pavilion back in Vizovice

Classification:Administrative Buildings
Year of implementation:2018
Architect / Studio:Chybik+Kristof architects & urban designers; studio OLGOJ CHORCHOJ
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications:
Sales model:Lease

The ground flo­or of the modu­lar buil­ding is open to the pub­lic. It now fea­tu­res an exhi­bi­ti­on of the Czech Republic’s par­ti­ci­pati­on in EXPO 2015. The for­mer Czech pavi­li­on from EXPO 2015 is in ope­rati­on once aga­in in Vizo­vi­ce, in the Zlín regi­on. It will ser­ve as a mul­ti-pur­po­se admi­nis­tra­ti­ve buil­ding and also as a pub­lic exhi­bi­ti­on cen­t­re on the KOMA MODU­LAR grounds, which is pre­ci­se­ly whe­re such modu­lar buil­dings are pro­du­ced. Visi­tors were able to view this buil­ding during Archi­tectu­re Days 2018. The other two flo­ors are desig­na­ted for offi­ce spa­ce. The­re is a terra­ce and an herb gar­den on the roof with a view of the com­pa­ny grounds, the surroun­ding land­s­ca­pe and the town of Vizo­vi­ce. The return of the pavi­li­on to Vizo­vi­ce, inclu­ding all rela­ted work and impro­ve­ments, cost more than 100 mil­li­on Czech crowns. Just dismant­ling the ear­lier pro­ducti­ons of the buil­dings and the land­s­ca­ping came to 40 mil­li­on Czech crowns. The reas­sem­bly of the buil­ding cost ano­ther 70 mil­li­on Czech crowns.

The inte­ri­or is har­mo­ni­zed with an industrial appro­ach. The­re is no gyp­sum plas­ter­bo­ard – only wood, ste­el, glass, i.e. tra­di­ti­o­nal industrial mate­ri­als. It’s a tri­bu­te to Tomáš Baťa – it’s the way he would see it if he were ali­ve”, com­men­ted the company’s Gene­ral Manager Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec. The inner spa­ce is ope­ned up to the roof and is a work of art – a spi­ral painter’s can­vas with colour motifs cre­a­ted by Bar­bo­ra Šla­pe­to­vá – it twists throu­gh the atri­um from the first flo­or to the roof in con­trast with the industrial spa­ce. The Czech pavi­li­on was awar­ded the bron­ze medal for archi­tectu­re and inno­vati­ons at EXPO 2015 in Milan, Italy. 

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