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Summer Film Academy festival in Uherské Hradiště, CZ

For the last weekend in July, the KOMA company lent its CITY modules to the Summer Film Academy festival in Uherské Hradiště. This year, the film festival entered the fifth decade of its existence. It is one of the most significant Czech film cultural events. One can definitely say that The Summer Film Academy the festival ranks among the most visible cultural events that take place in the Zlin region. KOMA has for a long time been providing support for events that are of significance not only for the region. “We have designed our CITY modules to serve for short-term lease. It is clear that the concept of trapezoidal containers is unique, remarkable and quite exceptional at first glance. That is why organizers of these events, which are also unique in their nature, are so interested in using them. The Summer Film Academy is definitely one of these events,” explains the marketing manager of the KOMA company, Martin Hart. Our CITY modules thus continuously prove that modular architecture has much to offer towns today.
Classification:Special modules / City modules
Year of implementation:2015
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Number of modules: 2
Product series: CityModul
Sales model:Lease
For the last wee­kend in July, the KOMA com­pa­ny lent its CITY modu­les to the Sum­mer Film Aca­de­my fes­ti­val in Uher­ské Hra­diš­tě. This year, the film fes­ti­val ente­red the fifth deca­de of its exis­ten­ce. It is one of the most sig­ni­fi­cant Czech film cul­tu­ral events. One can defi­ni­te­ly say that The Sum­mer Film Aca­de­my the fes­ti­val ranks among the most visi­ble cul­tu­ral events that take pla­ce in the Zlin regi­on. KOMA has for a long time been pro­vi­ding sup­port for events that are of sig­ni­fi­can­ce not only for the regi­on. We have designed our­CI­TY modu­les to ser­ve for short-term lea­se. It is clear that the con­cept of tra­pe­zo­i­dal con­ta­i­ners is unique, remar­kable and qui­te excep­ti­o­nal at first glan­ce. That is why orga­ni­zers of these events, which are also unique in the­ir natu­re, are so inte­res­ted in using them. The Sum­mer Film Aca­de­my is defi­ni­te­ly one of these events,” expla­ins the mar­ke­ting manager of the KOMA com­pa­ny, Mar­tin Hart. Our CITY modu­les thus con­ti­nu­ous­ly pro­ve that modu­lar archi­tectu­re has much to offer towns today.
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