Afo 8
AFO 28129
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AFO 28929
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AFO 28829
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AFO 281129
AFO 281029
AFO 28729
AFO 28529
AFO 28329
AFO 28229
AFO 28429

17 photos

Temporary Open-Air Cinema in Olomouc, CZ

Rental of a temporary modular open-air cinema for the film festival.

Classification:Cultural venues / Cinemas
Year of implementation:2014
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Lease

Sin­ce the enti­re KOMA Group focuses on the popu­la­ri­sati­on of modu­lar archi­tectu­re and the sup­port of inte­res­ting events, KOMA has beco­me a part­ner of the inter­nati­o­nal fes­ti­val of popu­lar science films AFO in Olo­mouc. It lent the fes­ti­val a set of con­ta­i­ners free of char­ge, which ser­ve as an open-air cine­ma in the his­to­ri­cal cen­t­re of the Upper Squa­re in Olomouc.

The open-air cine­ma, which the sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA Rent deli­ve­red to Olo­mouc, demon­stra­tes aga­in the vari­a­bi­li­ty and practi­ca­bi­li­ty of modu­lar con­structi­on. It is rather dif­ficult to ima­gi­ne a tem­po­ra­ry two-sto­rey con­structi­on in the his­to­ri­cal cen­t­re of the city that would be made from a dif­fe­rent con­structi­on sys­tem. The KOMA modu­lar sys­tem thus showed once aga­in the possi­bi­li­ties of modu­lar con­structi­on. And the­re­fo­re KOMA is a proud part­ner of the festival.

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