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Primary School in Drahanovice

The modular five-classroom primary school consisting of 25 modules was manufactured and built in a mere three months.

Classification:School Realisations / Elementary schools
Year of implementation:2024
Client:Obec Drahanovice
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1,5 Months
Length of manufacture: 1,5 Months
Number of modules: 25
Area: 450 m2
Sales model:Lease

Whe­re con­ven­ti­o­nal con­structi­on methods fail, modu­la­ri­ty shows its sig­ni­fi­cant advan­tages, espe­ci­ally in spe­ed of con­structi­on. This bene­fit was explo­i­ted by Dra­ha­no­vi­ce muni­ci­pal repre­sen­ta­ti­ves in the con­structi­on of a new pri­ma­ry scho­ol. The ori­gi­nal scho­ol buil­ding was dee­med to be lac­king in structu­ral sta­bi­li­ty and it was, the­re­fo­re, necessa­ry to find new scho­ol pre­mi­ses for the chil­dren. Thanks to KOMA’s modu­lar sys­tem, the chil­dren were able to enter the new scho­ol within 158 days of the clo­su­re of the ori­gi­nal buil­ding. The pro­ducti­on itself and the assem­bly of the scho­ol took only three mon­ths, and the assem­bly began during a peri­od of extre­me cold with tem­pe­ra­tu­res drop­ping as low as -14 oC. Ano­ther advan­tage of modu­lar con­structi­on is that it can be com­ple­ted even during the fre­e­zing win­ter months.

This buil­ding, con­sis­ting of 25 modu­les from our new M7 pro­duct line with dimensi­ons of 6 x 3 met­res, con­ta­ins five clas­sro­oms, chan­ging rooms, auxi­li­a­ry rooms for tea­chers, and social faci­li­ties inclu­ding a barrier-free toi­let. For the ther­mal com­fort of the buil­ding, PUR panel clad­ding was used, clas­sro­oms are equip­ped with elect­ric hea­ters and air con­di­ti­o­ning, and have acous­tic suspen­ded cei­lings. The alu­mi­ni­um win­dows are fit­ted with exter­nal alu­mi­ni­um shut­ters and the inter­nal sur­fa­ces are coa­ted with washable paint. The buil­ding meets the stan­dards set by the Minis­t­ry of Edu­cati­on, You­th and Sports and com­plies with current acous­tic requirements.

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