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Recycling Centre Facilities - Ecorewa

Modular recycling centre facilities comprising eight modules.

Classification:Business Realisations / Small manufacturing plants
Year of implementation:2021
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 2 weeks
Length of manufacture: 2 weeks
Number of modules: 8
Area: 215 m2
Product series: StandardLine

Spe­ed of imple­men­tati­on, one of the advan­tages of modu­lar con­structi­on, was a deci­si­ve fac­tor for the inves­tor. Our plans and pro­ducti­on docu­men­tati­on were set at the same time that the buil­ding per­mit docu­men­tati­on was being wor­ked up. The result – the buil­ding could be manu­factu­red and assem­bled ear­lier than with con­ven­ti­o­nal con­structi­on and it could also put into use sooner. 

A buil­ding com­pri­sing eight modu­les with a total area of 215 m2 ser­ves as a faci­li­ty for the collecti­on, pur­cha­se, tre­at­ment, and reco­ve­ry of was­te by sor­ting and shred­ding. Taking the building’s functi­on into con­si­de­rati­on, a flo­or load of 500 kg/m2 was pro­po­sed and chec­ke­red she­et was used inste­ad of flo­o­ring. Hea­ting is pro­vi­ded by a boi­ler and a solar panel in com­bi­nati­on. The inves­tor cho­se a faca­de made of lar­ge-for­mat metal seg­ments and a secon­da­ry double slo­ping roof, on which he pla­ced a solar panel.

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