Office Building with Auxiliary Rooms for a Garden Centre in Siegen - KOMA MODULAR (en)
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8 photos

Office Building with Auxiliary Rooms for a Garden Centre in Siegen

We supplied to a customer in the town of Siegen, in the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, a cosy office and social facilities for a garden centre.

Classification:Administrative Buildings / Offices
Year of implementation:2024
Country of implementation:Germany
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 Week
Number of modules: 4
Area: 70 m2
Sales model:Sale

Within a week we assem­bled an offi­ce buil­ding con­sis­ting of four modu­les with a total effecti­ve area of 70 m2, and insi­de you will find a lar­ge offi­ce, a kit­chen with a dining room, social faci­li­ties and a chan­ging room.

Thanks to the exte­ri­or ste­el stai­r­ca­se, the inte­ri­or spa­ce of the modu­lar assem­bly is uti­li­zed to its maximum. 

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