Modu­lar buil­dings fall into two cate­go­ries: per­ma­nent con­structi­ons – PMC (Per­ma­nent Modu­lar Con­structi­on) and tho­se that are tem­po­ra­ry and mova­ble – NPMC (Non-per­ma­nent Modu­lar Con­structi­on). An archi­tectu­ral design should be adap­ted to these cate­go­ries so to pre­ser­ve all advan­tages of modu­lar con­structi­ons, espe­ci­ally rapid con­structi­on and pro­ducti­on of buil­dings in pro­ducti­on halls using Off-site Construction.


Faca­des of modu­lar buil­dings can be made from any mate­ri­als avai­la­ble. But it is recom­men­ded to cho­o­se such mate­ri­als most sui­table for modu­lar buil­dings and for manu­factu­re at the pro­ducti­on site. If the faca­des are made at site of desti­nati­on, the ove­rall assem­bly time is exten­ded due to faca­de assem­bly. The type of faca­de cho­sen also has an impact on the demoun­ta­bi­li­ty of the buil­ding and its further usage.

Facade systems

The size of a modu­le affects its trans­por­ta­bi­li­ty – espe­ci­ally if it is over­si­zed. Legislati­on per­ta­i­ning to over­si­ze trans­port varies from coun­t­ry to coun­t­ry. It is, the­re­fo­re, recom­men­ded that the design be con­sul­ted with the manu­factu­rer with refe­ren­ce to the final pla­ce of desti­nati­on befo­re any manu­factu­ring be under­ta­ken. The­re is a corre­lati­on that applies – the big­ger the modu­le, the quic­ker the assem­bly and the more cost­ly the trans­port. The modu­les with a clea­ran­ce of up to 3,000mm can be trans­por­ted in a fol­ded sta­te and tho­se over 3,000mm as, so called, flat-packs (the flo­or, the cei­ling and the walls are put toge­ther in a pac­king which is assem­bled at the site of installation).

During design, the side-by-side pla­ce­ment of modu­les should be pro­per­ly laid out and the feasi­bi­li­ty of modu­le joints must be ensu­red. It is necessa­ry to pro­vi­de for water dra­i­nage from the roof if no secon­da­ry roof with sepa­ra­te water dra­i­nage, as in the case of tra­di­ti­o­nal buil­dings, is inten­ded. A maxi­mum 0.6m over­hang of indi­vi­du­al modu­les is possi­ble without addi­ti­o­nal chan­ges to modu­le fra­me sta­tics. If a lar­ger over­hang is requi­red, the modu­le must be sho­red up or a spe­cial fra­me con­structi­on must be designed which influ­en­ces the pri­ce of the buil­ding and of the docu­men­tati­on as well.

KOMA MODU­LAR stan­dar­dly manu­factu­red modu­les stack up to 4 sto­reys high. The stac­ka­bi­li­ty is also influ­en­ced by the selec­ted modu­le model series. In the event that a mul­tiple-sto­rey buil­ding is requi­red, this must be con­sul­ted with the manu­factu­rer. It must be remem­be­red that an aty­pi­cal design influ­en­ces the deli­ve­ry time and pri­ce of the building.

When plan­ning lay­out, it is recom­men­ded to take the modu­lar fra­me assem­bly sys­tem into account. In each cor­ner of the fra­me, the­re is a column, which should be pro­per­ly incor­po­ra­ted into the lay­out. Inner par­ti­ti­on walls should be installed with the fra­mes or in the cen­t­re of a modu­le kee­ping in mind win­dow pla­ce­ments. A sani­ta­ry buil­ding ele­ment should be con­fi­ned to a sin­gle modu­le and, in the case of a mul­tiple-sto­rey buil­ding, the sani­ta­ry modu­les should be pla­ced one abo­ve the other.

It is typi­cal for modu­lar con­structi­ons that indi­vi­du­al modu­les are self-bea­ring, the­re­fo­re, it is not necessa­ry to use foun­dati­on pla­tes for the foun­dati­ons. Modu­lar buil­dings can be set up on a strip foun­dati­on or on foun­dati­on feet. And foun­dati­on screws may be used whe­re it is ena­bled by the natu­rally grown soil. Some modu­le model series requi­re an air gap under the lower deck to pre­vent con­densati­on due to humi­di­ty. In this case it is necessa­ry to ensu­re pro­per ven­ti­lati­on of such foun­dati­ons. In some cases the air gap is used as a sub­sti­tu­ti­on for a radon barrier.

Advantages of modular constructions

Line quality
Most production is carried out under constant climatic conditions in a production hall. Fully digitized production enables line quality to be achieved thanks to the control system. KOMA is proud to implement the Industry 4.0 system.
The economic benefits are not only based on the speed of modular construction. Line production also means control over the price of a product. As a result, the price you agree to when awarding the contract is the price you actually pay for the construction.
Thanks to the preparation of modules, including the equipment in the production hall, the building will be erected on site in a matter of hours and is effectively ready for use.
A modular object can later be disassembled into individual modules and re-implemented to meet the needs of another object.
Modular buildings can respond to the current needs of the owner and can be expanded. For example two additional floors could be added.
One equally important feature follows from above; a modular structure is extremely environmentally friendly. Inhabitants of surrounding living spaces are not disturbed by an enduring construction process.
Pekarna kutzer erbendorf 02

Business buildings

Doing busi­ness in modu­lar buil­dings is com­ple­te­ly in line with current social requi­re­ments: quick, vari­a­ble con­structi­on with the possi­bi­li­ty of adap­tati­ons in the futu­re – all this whi­le ensu­ring the social respon­si­bi­li­ty of the com­pa­ny, who­se pur­po­se or even locati­on can alwa­ys be re-evaluated. 

Our modu­lar con­structi­on sys­tem unique in design.


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Modul is not a container

Our certificates

Gentleman´s Com­pa­ny
Red Dot Award
ISO 14001:2015
ETA 150119
ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110