Pro­gres­si­ve inves­tors may take advan­tage of bene­fits pro­vi­ded by modu­lar con­structi­ons, main­ly for the acce­le­ra­ted returns on the­ir invest­ment, because modu­lar con­structi­ons are erec­ted extre­me­ly quick­ly. In addi­ti­on, they may bene­fit from the ease of relo­cati­on of modu­lar buil­dings and, thus, have the opti­on of deve­lo­ping the­ir busi­nesses on ren­ted land. They appre­ci­a­te having the possi­bi­li­ty to expand the­ir workshops with addi­ti­o­nal buil­dings and modu­les. All this, whi­le main­ta­i­ning com­pa­ra­ble or bet­ter con­di­ti­ons in these modu­lar buil­dings than tra­di­ti­o­nal buil­dings have.


Administrative Buildings

Admin­is­tra­tive buil­dings and com­pa­ny headquar­ters built from spa­ce modu­les are the most frequent­ly imple­men­ted modu­lar buil­dings due to the­ir effi­ci­ency, spe­ed and mobility.

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Business buildings

Doing busi­ness in modu­lar buil­dings is com­ple­te­ly in line with current social requi­re­ments: quick, vari­a­ble con­structi­on with the possi­bi­li­ty of adap­tati­ons in the futu­re – all this whi­le ensu­ring the social respon­si­bi­li­ty of the com­pa­ny, who­se pur­po­se or even locati­on can alwa­ys be re-evaluated. 


Automobile Showrooms and Used Car Dealerships

Modu­lar used car marts and auto­mo­bi­le showro­oms are incre­a­sin­g­ly more popu­lar with pro­gres­si­ve inves­tors who are main­ly attrac­ted by spe­ed, mobi­li­ty and efficiency.

Showcase references



Shops from lar­ge-sca­le modu­les can be tem­po­ra­ry or per­ma­nent, on a ren­ted lot or owned pro­per­ty. They can be exten­ded or redu­ced as needed.

Pekarna kutzer erbendorf 02


Modu­lar bake­ries, thanks to the spe­ed and mobi­li­ty, have gai­ned popu­la­ri­ty for instal­ments direct­ly in shop­ping cen­t­res whe­re fre­sh pastries can be offe­red to cus­to­mers with ever incre­a­sing possibilities.


Service Stations

Modu­lar ser­vi­ce stati­ons appeal to inves­tors main­ly due to the­ir abi­li­ty to be quick­ly imple­men­ted and react to changes.

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Sanitary Modules

Sin­ce its foun­ding years ago, KOMA MODU­LAR has estab­lished its exper­ti­se in sani­ta­ry modu­le pro­ducti­on. The KOMA modu­les have been set up as bac­kdrops for VIP events as well as world and Euro­pe­an sport championships.

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Healthcare Projects

The spe­ed and the mini­mi­zati­on of annoyan­ces to pati­ents and medi­cal sta­ff due to dust and noi­se is a major added value of medi­cal faci­li­ty con­structi­ons made from lar­ge-sca­le modules.


Projects in Gastronomy

Structu­res for gastro­no­my con­cerns are built in the form of modu­lar con­structi­ons and gre­at­ly has­ten returns on investments.

Modul is not a container

Our certificates

Gentleman´s Com­pa­ny
Red Dot Award
ISO 14001:2015
ETA 150119
ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110