Heal­thca­re Projects

An obvi­ous advan­tage of modu­lar con­structi­ons lies in the uno­btru­si­ve installati­on of lar­ge-sca­le modu­les, which are, whe­re possi­ble, out­fit­ted on the pro­ducti­on line and then assem­bled direct­ly on site following deli­ve­ry. The ulti­ma­te advan­tage of this method is the very small envi­ron­men­tal bur­den during con­structi­on, par­ticu­lar­ly in heal­thca­re whe­re pea­ce and qui­et are part of the hea­ling pro­cess. And more­o­ver, the modu­lar archi­tectu­re is beautiful.

IMG 5341 web

Pavilon ortopedie Karvinské hornické nemocnice

A modu­lar extensi­on of the Mining Hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná from 77 modules.

Year of implementation:2020
Client:Karvinská hornická nemocnice
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
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The alcohol detention center Jihlava.

Sobering up Station

Modu­lar Sobe­ring-Up Stati­on in the Pre­mi­ses of the Jih­la­va Hospital

Year of implementation:2019
Architect / Studio:Ing. arch. Jiří Pelikán
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
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Private Dental Clinic

Pri­va­te Den­tist Sur­ge­ry in GESE­KE. The den­tal cli­nic inclu­des eight con­sul­ting rooms, a small offi­ce for minor ope­rati­ons, a recep­ti­on desk, reco­ve­ry rooms for chil­dren after ana­esthesia, and a den­tal prosthesis.

Year of implementation:2018
Country of implementation:Germany
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Radiotherapy extension

The extensi­on con­sists of 7 Stan­dar­d­Li­ne series modu­les at the flo­or area of 171 m². The new part of the hospi­tal con­ta­ins four medi­cal offi­ces and a tra­i­ning room.

Year of implementation:2012
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
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Office building for ERASMUS hospital

Three-sto­rey admi­nis­tra­ti­ve buil­ding of the Rot­ter­dam Hospi­tal con­sists 82 flat-pack modules.

Year of implementation:2009
Country of implementation:Netherlands
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Modul is not a container

Our certificates

Gentleman´s Com­pa­ny
Red Dot Award
ISO 14001:2015
ETA 150119
ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110